Thursday 9 December 2010

Examples of Media Theorys

Claude Levi-Strauss (1908 - 2009)

Binary Opposites
Good / Evil
Black / White
Tall / Short
Old / Young  ect.

Vladimir Propp (1895  - 1970)
Charector Roles
1) The hero - the character who seeks something.
2) The Villain - Someone who tries to stop the hero.
3) The donor - who provides an object with some magic property.
4) The Helper - aids the hero.
5) The Princess  - reward for hero - often the object of villians
6) Her Father - who rewards the hero
7) The dispactcher - who sends the hero on his way.
8) The False hero - seems to be heroic intially. Turns out to be evil/ Red Herring

Red Herring:
A character or object that is intoduced as seemingly important. It is left behind/forgotten/never mentioned again. Turns out to have been of no importance.

Tzvetan Todorov (1939 -   )
All stories begin with an equilibrium this is disprupted, then restored. A classic begginging, middle, end narrative structure.
3 part narrative structure:
1. Equilibrium
2. Disruption of equilibrium
3. Restoration of equilibrium or new equilibrium.

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