Thursday 11 November 2010

This is England and This is England '86 Notes

This is England

  • Made in 2006

  • Warp Films

  • £1.5 Million budget funded by National Lottery - Grant of £90K from UK Film council post production

  • Directed by: Shane Meadows

  • Produced by: Mark Herbert

  • Genre: Social Realism

  • Based on Skinhead Culture through Shane Meadows personal experiences

  • Shaun, played by Tom Turgoose from Grimsby, had never acted before, a former 'tear-away'

  • Shane Meadows bought the props off of EBay

  • Used pre-fabricated sets in Sheffield (based on the 1980's)

  • Natural lighting

  • Improvised many scenes, gave alot of actors leaway to allow them for their input

  • Main reason for the film, is that Shane Meadows is trying to change the perception of Skin heads

  • 18 rating, Shane Meadows says it should be a 15, strong message for teenagers

  • This Is England 86
    • TV drama
    • Made in 2010
    • £20 Million budget, worked in conjunction with EM Media, Screen Yorkshire, and Channel 4, (who marketed it)
    • Production Team: Shane Meadows handed over alot of control to Mark Herbert & Tom Harper for the TV Series, Mark Herbert (Who Produced the film), Tom Harper (directed Skins, and helped with Misfits), and Jack Thorne - wrote the series
    • Shane Meadows had many unused ideas after the film that he had wanted to use. He also felt the audience responded well to This Is England
    • The TV Drama Series appeals to current audiences due to it features, recession, and widespread unemployment.
    Differences to the film:
    • Opens with a scene from the film (dock scene)
    • Lots more props
    • Soundtrack to coincide the 1986
    • Much more locations used (pre-fabricated)
    • Cinematography - imaginative, and more equipment
    • More post-production enhancements
    • Follows more characters, other than Shaun
    • Much larger cast.

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